Cutting Through The Matrix with Alan Watt
Reality Check 2 DVD
EVERY SUNDAY - Redux Talk can be downloaded after 5 p.m. EST on Sunday. Click on "Free Audio Archives"

ESSENTIAL READING - New transcripts uploaded regularly. Click Here to see the latest additions.

ESSENTIAL VIEWING - Reality Check 1 DVD. Click Here for free download or ordering details.

ESSENTIAL VIEWING - Reality Check 2 DVD (2 Hours). Click Here for details and ordering.

ESSENTIAL LISTENING - Ancient Religions and History MP3 CD Part 2 (1998 - 2000) 12 Hrs. Click Here

In all ages, in all lands, there have been those who seek truth. This seeking is an individual's search for something more than self, and much more than the confines of this worldly system. It is the seeker, who understands there is more than what meets the eye, who is not afraid and makes the choice to go into the unknown. The process of awaking has begun, the discovery is underway.
Alan Watt - A Course in Deprogramming
Alan's Books
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Sept. 29, 2024

Please Note:      * BOOK CLUB! September reading assignment: Ch. 14 "World War II: The Tide of Aggression, 1939-1941". We will be covering Ch. 14 live in the Telegram chatroom at 7 PM UK/2 PM EST on Sat., Oct. 12. Telegram bookclub

* FIVE new TRANSCRIPTS from 2019 have recently been uploaded to the websites. Click the Free Transcripts button below and you will find many transcripts to read and print out.

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* PODCAST - "Real History" with Melissa. Click here for the latest episodes.

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Visit Article Archives for links to articles, documents, videos, etc. that are mentioned in Alan's talks. You can also find a link to the
Titled - DCDC Global Strategic Trends Programme 2007-2036
(DCDC) stands for Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre

Any chat rooms, forums, etc. using Alan Watt, site-name, logo, etc. are unauthorized by Alan Watt, and any content, comments, etc. are not from Alan Watt or the Official Websites.

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     To Listen to Previous Blurbs and Shows, click the Free Audio Archives Link Above
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Book: "Waiting for the Miracle.....
The Symbiosis of Exoteric and Esoteric Societies and Their Unfaltering Goals Down through the Ages"

(Part 1 and 2: Edited transcripts from radio audio shows on the subject, 1998-2000, in one book. A written companion to Ancient Religions/History Compact Discs listed below.)
Also available in Spanish or Portuguese translation:
Esperando el Milagro..... (Español)
Esperando um Milagre..... (Português)


Disc 1 and 2 - 12 Hour Jam Packed MP3 CDs
Original Radio Broadcasts (1998-2000) on
Ancient History and Religion.

For more expansive written detail on each talk, go into Free Audio Downloads and Click on appropriate Blurb, Radio or TV link.
For Complete Transcripts in English:
Free Transcripts
     In European Languages:

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Thank you.

Current and Recent Blurbs, i.e. Educational Talks:

NOTE - If you have problems playing the audio, right-click the DOWNLOAD/LISTEN link and Download the talk, then Listen.

Sept. 29, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)
"Fear is a Great Driver"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Sept. 29, 2024, AW - Sept. 29, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Redux links:

Transcript and Links - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "Utility of Sterility" - 29 Sept 2019

Original audio, topics, links - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "Utility of Sterility" - 29 Sept 2019 (scroll to date)

2024 Global Citizen Festival draws thousands to Central Park's Great Lawn

Elon Musk and Italian PM Giorgia Meloni have public love-in on sidelines of UNGA: ‘Even more beautiful on the inside than she is on the outside’

Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Over a million seeds are stored behind locked doors on Svalbard

Seed Prices Have Soared—Is Intellectual Property the Problem?

Hunger-ending seed technology is on the horizon – but will it reach the farmers who need it most?

In case of disaster, Fort Collins seed vault preserves world collection of plants

Human genome stored on ‘everlasting’ memory crystal

Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study

No, COVID vaccines don’t contain nanotechnology that can be programmed via 5G wireless networks

DNA origami and fluorescent probes can precisely release molecular cargo

Mason researchers use DNA 'origami' to design novel vaccine platform

Scientists create army of tiny robots that can be injected into the human body

Trials launched for revolutionary, needle-free coronavirus vaccine

Trust the Experts!!! Is 5G Making You Sick? Here’s What Experts Say

Alan Watt -- The Neo-Eugenics War on Humanity (PrisonPlanet.TV - 2009)

Michael A. Persinger (1945-2018): Neuromagnetism

Sept. 28, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Excerpts
(i.e. Short Clips)
"Signs and Symbols - Ouroboros"
Dialogue Copyrighted AW 7 Dec 2004; 12 July, 12 Nov, 2007; 4 April 2008 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Sept. 26, 2024
"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 85 - "Mashup"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Sept. 26, 2024 (Exempting Bumper Music)

Podcast links:

Audio - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - Hidden Masters Bring Disasters..." - Nov. 22, 2020

Transcript - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - Hidden Masters Bring Disasters..." - Nov. 22, 2020

Audio - Alan Watt - Blurb "Sing Your Song and Steal Some Time" - Feb 28, 2007

Transcript - Alan Watt - Blurb "Sing Your Song and Steal Some Time" - Feb 28, 2007

"Real History" with Melissa - Ep. 85 - "Mashup" - Sept. 26, 2024 (I read mainstream press articles about assisted suicide. YouTube pulled: "could be promoting and/or glorifying suicide")

What happened to the latest "Real History" with Melissa? - Sept. 26, 2024

Billie Eilish - when the party's over

Billie Eilish at Austin City Limits on Texas Abortion Ban: Bans Off Our Bodies | Planned Parenthood

Human rights is just a story - Noah Yuval Harari

Several arrested after American woman dies in first use of controversial suicide pod

In Switzerland, Reported Use of Suicide Capsule Inflames Debate

An Alabama inmate was executed with nitrogen gas. How does it work?

Pensioners sign up to be first British couple to use double ‘suicide pod’

Welcome to Canada. The Doctor Will Kill You Now.

Canada's assisted-dying law faces constitutional fight for excluding mental disorder

We live in a world full of Uglies

Melanie - Look What They've Done To My Song, Ma ('71)

"Real History" with Melissa - Ep. 85 - "Mashup" - Sept. 26, 2024 (Odysee)

Sept. 22, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)
"Policy...and Don't Panic"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Sept. 21, 2024, AW - Sept. 20, 2020 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Redux links:

Original audio - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - (Scroll to the date)- Sept. 20, 2020

Transcript - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "Imaginative Media Gives Itself Benediction, News is the Most Perfected Form of Fiction." - © Alan Watt Sept. 20, 2020

Policy – Who Makes this Stuff Up? - by Not Sure

Omniwar Symposium, September 21, 2024

Inside the British Army's secret information warfare machine

Canada's Operation LASER

Aspen Security Forum

Aspen Strategy Group

New York will be center of money-focused fight to slow climate change

Earth Summit

Climate Week NYC

UN - Summit of the Future

Live Updates: Hezbollah Confirms Death of Senior Leader in Israeli Airstrike in Beirut

Israel and the Coming Long War

Israel’s pager attack an intelligence triumph, with uncertain ends

Assaf Orion

The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Our Mission and History

Board of Advisors

The Washington Institute for Near East Policy - BOARD of DIRECTORS

Sept. 21, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" --- Special
Darin and Melissa - Book Club "Tragedy and Hope" - Ep. 13 "Policy of Appeasement, 1931-1936"

Bookclub links:

CTTM Telegram Bookclub

Tragedy and Hope - pdf

Sept. 19, 2024
"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 84 - "Get a Life"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Sept. 19, 2024 (Exempting Bumper Music)

Podcast links:

Ana Vidovic plays from the Cello Suite No. 1 Prelude in G Major

David A. Hughes - Substack

"Covid-19," Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy, Volume 1 - FULL BOOK, FREE DOWNLOAD

Omniwar Symposium - Sept. 21, 2024

Technocracy News

2000 Miles - The Pretenders (cover, Erica Risti)

Sept. 16, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Excerpts
(i.e. Short Clips)
"The Authors - Plato THE Philosopher -- Breeding and the Class System"
Dialogue Copyrighted AW 9 Feb, 13 Sept 2007; 19 Dec, 2008; 8 Oct 2012; 6 May 2018; 24 Mar, 28 Apr 2019; 22 Sept 2019; 12 and 26 July 2020 Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Excerpt links:

Plato's Selective Breeding: Shaping the Ideal Republic

Royalty To Working Class The British Social Class System, Explained

Sept. 15, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)
"Mystery Religions, Thought Forms, and an Ancient Building Society"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Sept. 15, 2024, AW - Aug. 30, 2004 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Redux links:

Original Audio - Alan Watt on Sweet Liberty with Jackie Patru - Aug. 30, 2004

Transcript - Alan Watt on Sweet Liberty with Jackie Patru - Aug. 30, 2004

CON-Spirituality - Part 2, Two Years Later - by Not Sure

CON-Spirituality - by Not Sure (June 26, 2022)

Tragedy and Hope - pdf of book

Tragedy and Hope A History of the World In Our Time Ch 13 part 1 - Audiobook

Who is pulling the strings? - Alan Watt (2009)

Helena Blavatsky

Annie Besant

Alice Bailey

Foster Bailey - 33rd degree Mason

Lucis Trust

Bahá'í Faith

About the Spiritual Caucus at the United Nations

The United Nations Meditation Room - Mystery Babylon Series (William Cooper)

The Emergence of Conspirituality (2011)


The CIA and the Media - (1977)

A Digital Dissection of Egypt's Greatest Pharaoh Reveals Striking Features

Sept. 14, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Excerpts
(i.e. Short Clips)
"Signs and Symbols - The Beehive"
Dialogue Copyrighted AW 30 Aug, 2004; 25 Feb 2007; 27 Jan 2010; 13 Nov 2013 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Sept. 12, 2024
"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 83 - "Neil Foster: Is This Hell or Global Warming?"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Sept. 12, 2024 (Exempting Bumper Music)

Podcast links:

Rewilding Scottish Highlands could help the UK hit 30x30 conservation goal

Party Over for Alarmists as Sea Temperatures Plunge Around the World

Green Alliance

Caroline Lucas - Mobilising the 'home front' to fight climate change (2011)

Galactic Cycles and Civilization Resets | Conversations On The Fringe (1/2)

The Trilateral Commission and Technocracy (2013)

Watch: Experimental Polio Vaccine Rolled Out to Hundreds of Thousands of Children in Gaza

7 Children Paralyzed by Polio Virus Derived From New Gates-Funded Polio Vaccine

Modified RNA has a direct effect on DNA

CDC Pushes for Babies to Get 3 Unlicensed Covid mRNA Shots by 9 Months

Gaza Tragedy: Israeli Rocket Strike Kills Families at Polio Booth

Japan: 'Billions of Dying Vaxxed Have Dementia - Perpetrators Must Be Punished'

Millions of Self Assembly Nanoparticles In COVID19 Injections - Interview with Dr. Young Mi Lee and Professor Daniel Broudy

Edward L. Bernays: The Science of Ballyhoo

CTTM bookclub, Sat. 14 Sept., 7 PM UK on Telegram channel

Tragedy and Hope, Ch. 12 audio book link

"Real History" with Melissa - Ep. 83 "Neil Foster: Is it Hell or Global Warming?" - Sept. 12, 2024

Sept. 8, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)
"Refuge in a Perfect Storm"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Sept. 8, 2024, AW - Feb. 2, 2020 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Redux links:

Original Audio - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - A Perfect Storm - Feb. 2, 2020 (Scroll towards bottom of the page)

Transcript - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - A Perfect Storm - Feb. 2, 2020

CTTM Bookclub on Telegram

The Indoctrinated Brain - Michael Nehls

The Trilateral Commission and Technocracy (2013)

Interview w/ Rick Adams - (Individuals give them problems...)

Interview w/ Rick Adams - (Individuals give them problems...)

UN Summit of the Future - Sept. 22-23, 2024

UN - Pact for the Future

UN - Declaration on Future Generations

UN - Global Digital Compact

12 Monkeys - trailer

Pink Floyd Another Brick In The Wall

Scientists Describe How 1918 Influenza Virus Sample Was Exhumed In Alaska

Sidewalk Spy Kit - Book of Ours

Brzezinski and the Afghan War Pt2

Big Data: Are We In a 'Technocracy'? What Do They Know About You?

Sept. 5, 2024
"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 82 - "Animal Farm with Heys Reviews"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Sept. 5, 2024 (Exempting Bumper Music)

Podcast links:

Heys Reviews - YouTube channel

Fabian Freeway by Rose L Martin (1966) - Part 1 (Heys Reviews)

Animal Farm - audiobook with subtitles

Alan Watt - The Authors - Ep. 4 "George Orwell - Animal Farm" - May 21, 2024

George Orwell: A Life in Pictures Full Documentary

What Orwell Really Feared

Tom Peterkin: PG Wodehouse was no traitor despite Nazi broadcasts

The Milner Fabian Conspiracy - pdf

Things Can Only Get Better by D:Ream - New Labour (Campaign song 1997)

Can you really be radicalised by Great British Railway Journeys?

Ann Patchett - Aspen Institute's Winter Words

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson released from coronavirus treatment

Walter Isaacson

CRISPR Scientist's Biography Explores Ethics Of Rewriting The Code Of Life

Brave New World - pdf

Sept. 5, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" --- Special
Frank in Ireland - Book Club "Tragedy and Hope" - Ep. 12 "Changing Economic Patterns"

Bookclub links:

Alan Watt CTTM on YouTube

Alan Watt CTTM on X

Heys Reviews on YouTube

Heys Reviews on X

Montagu Norman, 1st Baron Norman

European banking crisis of 1931

National Shipbuilders Security

Price collusion, rationalisation and Admiralty oversight in British shipbuilding: The case of the Warship Group, 1926–1945

Postal savings system

European Economic Community

Dreyfus affair

Jay Gould: America's Most Ruthless Robber Baron

The Pioneers of Financial Fraud

J.P. Morgan Documentary: How One Man Financed America

1930s Great Depression, Riots, Communists, President FDR Speech New Deal Program

Sept. 1, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)
"The Mass Mind and The Strong Delusion"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Sept. 1, 2024, AW - Dec. 26, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Redux links:

Original audio - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt on RBN - "Nirvana's Bananas and the Strong Delusion - The Folly of Gods and Wanna-Bees" - Dec. 26, 2007

Transcript - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt on RBN - "Nirvana's Bananas and the Strong Delusion - The Folly of Gods and Wanna-Bees" - Dec. 26, 2007

"Campeones Para Siempre" by Alan Watt (Alan Unplugged)

Do New-Agers Dream of Electric Coffee-gods? - by Not Sure

Tragedy and Hope A History of the World In Our Time Ch 12 part 1 Introduction Audiobook

Blocking China’s Mexican backdoor into Fortress America

Stephen Reicher - Individuals Consciously Suspend Individuality in a Crowd (blah, blah, blah)

Dick Proenneke - Alone in the Wilderness

How SAGE and the UK media created fear in the British public

SAGE participants


Alan Watt - Experiments - Ep. 1 - "Obedience to Authority"

In science we trust

"Covid-19," Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy, Volume 1 - David A. Hughes

David A. Hughes - Interview Short with Catherine Austin Fitts, May 14, 2024

Aug. 31, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Excerpts
(i.e. Short Clips)
"Signs and Symbols - 33"
Dialogue Copyrighted AW 18, 26 Jan, 6 Mar 5, 14 June, 9 Nov, 2007, 21 Feb, 14 Mar, 19 Jul 2008 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Aug. 29, 2024
"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 81 - "Totalitarianism --- Dr. Petra Bueskens"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Aug. 29, 2024 (Exempting Bumper Music)

Podcast links:

Petra Bueskens, PhD - website

The Paradigm Wars—Part 1: GloboCap meets Mass Formation

The Paradigm Wars—Part 2: The Paradigm War and its Discontents

The Paradigm Wars—Part 3: A Wrench in the Fabric of Reality: a new paradigm?

The Pyschology of Totalitarianism - Mattias Desmet

Mattias Desmet: Mass Hypnosis Expert or Trojan Horse? The Full Story (2022)

Mattias Desmet about Mass Formation and modern society

Consent Factory, Inc. - C.J. Hopkins

Max Weber

A disenchanted world: Max Weber on magic and modernity

Bullshit Jobs: A Theory - David Graeber

Abigail Shrier

Gender: A Wider Lens

Kathleen Stock: The controversial feminist whose Oxford Union address is sparking protests

CS Lewis, Tolkien, Orwell among works tagged as triggers for 'far-right' extremism by anti-terrorism group

The Magician’s Twin: C. S. Lewis on Science, Scientism, and Society

The Magician's Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Case against Scientism - video

James Tunney

Rudolf Steiner

Alan Watt "Cutting Through the Matrix" Blurb - "To Perfect That Which was Left Imperfect" - May 26, 2019 (and hundreds of other talks that touch on Transhumanism, Eugenics, the Brain Chip, etc.)

Aug. 25, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)
"Mapping Your Brain by Video Game, Caritas, Compassion, The Way of The Individual"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Aug. 25, 2024, AW - Nov. 30, 2007 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Redux links:

Transcript - Alan Watt "Cutting Through the Matrix" Live on RBN "Mapping Your Brain by Video Game - The New Brain-Drain" - Nov. 30, 2007

The Paradigm Wars—Part 1: GloboCap meets Mass Formation - Dr. Petra Bueskens

The Psychology of Totalitarianism - Mattias Desmet

As mind-reading technology improves, Colorado passes first-in-nation law to protect privacy of our thoughts (2024)

Warming Trends: Video Gamers Helping the Climate, a Big Advance for Lab-Grown Meat and Belabored Decisions May Bring Better Results, If Not More Happiness

The games helmet that reads minds (2007)

Mysticism with James Tunney

Paula Hurlock On The Real Reason People Say Opening Your Third Eye Is So Dangerous Pt.3

Hard Times Come Again No More | The Longest Johns Music Video

Aug. 23, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Excerpts
(i.e. Short Clips)
"The Authors - Plato THE Philosopher -- The Republic"
Dialogue Copyrighted AW 5 Jan, 19 Apr 7 June, 21 Nov 2008, 5 Jan, 10 Apr 2009, 3, 18 Apr 2012, 30 Sept 2018; 3 May, 11 Oct, 22 Nov 2020 Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Aug. 22, 2024
"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 80 - "Your Government is Your Enemy"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Aug. 22, 2024 (Exempting Bumper Music)

Podcast links:

Your Government is Your Enemy - A song by Angry North and Boris's Bitches, feat. Helena Handbasket

Walgreens selected for $25M COVID vaccine study

European Vaccination Card will be piloted in five countries

Children in Gaza are now at risk of polio as well as bombs – we need a ceasefire now

Construction of €8.6 million Defence Forces communications facility announced

UK Authorities Now Arresting People For Posting "Inaccurate Information" On Social Media

UK riots: People who are racist to NHS staff 'can and should' be refused care, health secretary says

Transgender civil servant sparks uproar after colleagues complain that she wears 'fetish gear' including fishnet tights, low-cut corsets and chokers into the office

The Notorious Rheinwiesenlager – Thousands of Germans Died in American-Run POW Camps In Germany in 1945

Canadian government warns country to prepare for new virus far worse than COVID

'Gobsmacked': HSE does not know outcome of probe into almost 500 baby deaths and injuries

New Zealand Pandemic Plan: A framework for action

Tiny Village In Ireland Overrun By Government-Relocated Migrants

Yvette Cooper vows to crack down on promotion of ‘hateful beliefs’

MASSIVE NEWS! REDS VS BLUES - Alistair Williams is Banned

Applying Behavioural Insights (BIT) to Organ Donation

Brief History of Ancient Mesopotamia - Fertile Crescent and The cradle of civilization

Mathematics in "The Physician"

Aug. 21, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" --- Special
Melissa as Guest on "Dynamic Independence"

Aug. 18, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)
"The Big Picture Frees a Mind Trapped by Propaganda"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Aug. 18, 2024, AW - Dec. 11, 2016 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Redux links:

Calley Means and Casey Means: How Big Pharma Keeps You Sick, and the Dark Truth About Ozempic and the Pill

WHO Director-General declares mpox outbreak a public health emergency of international concern

Real-Time Self-Assembly of Stereomicroscopically Visible Artificial Constructions in Incubated Specimens of mRNA Products Mainly from Pfizer and Moderna: A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study

Cyborgs R Us: The Bio-Nano Panopticon of Injected Bodies?

The Internet of Bodies: A Systematic Survey on Propagation Characterization and Channel Modeling

Who Wants to Be a Slave? The Technocratic Convergence of Humans and Data

The Propaganda Model and Intersectionality: Integrating Separate Paradigms

What is propaganda? | Jason Stanley

Introduction to Propaganda

Flu and Infectious Disease Outbreaks Business Continuity Plan - Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety

The Power of Propaganda and Psychological Warfare

Is Drug-Company Money Tainting Medical Education?

Drug companies forge partnerships with top universities; some academic purists have doubts

Hey, big spender: Pharma's $6.6B TV ad outlay outranks most other industries, report says

Pfizer sets up DTC marketing platform as Q1 sales beat expectation

Big Tech, Big Checks: The Role of Tech Giant in Shaping Academic Research

Big Tech funds the very people who are supposed to hold it accountable

Drug companies’ payments and gifts affect physicians’ prescribing. It’s time to turn off the spigot

How to Control What People Do | Propaganda - Edward Bernays

Governments and Media roles in War Propaganda | THE WAR YOU DON'T SEE | John Pilger Documentary

Aug. 15, 2024
"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 79 - Erosion of Consciousness -- The Non-Woo View"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Aug. 15, 2024 (Exempting Bumper Music)

Podcast links:

Book of Ours website

Book of Ours - YouTube

Follow the artists on Substack:

Girl, 14, bullied to suicide releases haunting song from beyond the grave with help of her grieving father

Cyberbullying Continues to Rise among Youth in the United States

The New Model: Communitarianism

I Was Added To A Terrorist Watchlist (Quiet Skies)

‘Serious security incident’ halts services for customers of Northern California credit union

Texas DPS reveals plan to address massive delays obtaining driver's licenses

In science we trust (Elon Musk)

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki On Censoring Videos

Sidewalk Spy Kit - Book of Ours

Adam Curtis HyperNormalisation

VALS (marketing)

Lifelong Learning (early pathways for children) - Book of Ours

Total Work - Chrono-Politics - Part 1

Deconstruction - Book of Ours

Expulsion - Book of Ours

Aug. 11, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)
"Identify Your Enemy"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Aug. 11, 2024, AW - Aug. 2, 2020 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Redux links:

Original Audio - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "All Hail CapCom" - Aug. 2, 2020

Transcript - "Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt - "All Hail CapCom" - Aug. 2, 2020

Gog and Magog Alignment: The Prophetic Significance of Current Events | Rabbi Jason Sobel

Nearly 100 killed in Israeli strike on Gaza school, civil defense says

Israel and the US prepare for 'series of scenarios,' including a potential Hezbollah attack

Welcome to Hell

Three 18-year-old conscientious objectors sentenced to 30 days in prison for refusing to enlist in the Israeli army

First men jailed for riot-related social media posts

Susan Wojcicki

Former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has died at 56

The CIA's Secret Genocide in Guatemala

The Panic of 1873: The Great Depression of the 19th Century

What is the Great Reset? | Davos Agenda 2021

Forbes Richest World's Billionaires List 2024

The Dark History Of The Rockefeller Family Exposed

Elon Musk Success Story

Motivational Success Story Of Jeff Bezos

Peter Thiel Interview: You Have A Billionaire Mindset!

Palantir, Mass Surveillance and Pre-Crime. (Peter Thiel)

How SAGE and the UK media created fear in the British public

What Bill Gates hopes we learn from coronavirus

Blackwater Superpower For Hire

How To Make $250,000 a Year as a Mercenary

Aug. 10, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" --- Special
Darin from S. Africa - Book Club "Tragedy and Hope" - Ep. 11 "Britain: Background to Appeasement 1900-1939"

Bookclub links:

The British general elections of 1910

Britain in 1900

A Shabby and Underhand Deal: How Scotland Came to be Part of this Union

State Opening of Parliament 2024

Democratic Party Explained 2024

Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney on Israel/Palestine and The Power of the Israeli Lobby

Darin from S. Africa - Book Club "Tragedy and Hope" - Ep. 11 "Britain: Background to Appeasement 1900-1939"

Aug. 10, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Excerpts
(i.e. Short Clips)
"The Authors - Carroll Quigley - Culture"
Dialogue Copyrighted AW 2 July 2008, 18 Nov 2010, 5 Nov 2017, 24 Mar, 14 July, 18 Aug 2019, 2 Feb 2020 Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Excerpt links:

Some Consequences of the Sexual Revolution

The Sexual Revolution of the 1960s-70s

Aug. 8, 2024
"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 78 - Time Away"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Aug. 8, 2024 (Exempting Bumper Music)

Podcast links:

"Real History" with Melissa - Ep. 9 "Betty and the Value of One U.S. Dollar"

"Real History" with Melissa - Ep. 34 - "Mary: Teacher, Pilot, Sculptor, Adventurer"

Aug. 4, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)
"Assassins and Their Victims, Dissidents and Their Persecutors"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Aug. 4, 2024, AW - June 16, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Redux links:

The List: You are my love, my love. - by Not Sure

Iran vows 'severe' revenge after announcing Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed by short-range projectile

Planted bomb, remote control and AI: How the Mossad killed Hamas' leader in Iran

Israel kills top Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr in reprisal for deadly Majdal Shams attack

Australia may well be the world’s most secretive democracy

Overextending and Unbalancing Russia

Google staff keep ‘blacklist’ of conservative and ‘fringe’ sites - report

The Long Shadow of Julian Assange's Conviction

Julian Assange's post-prison life: WikiLeaks founder reappears in smiling beachside family photo

Espionage Act of 1917

Hero or villain? Reactions mixed after Julian Assange pleads guilty and secures release

Georgi Markov

Prime suspect in Georgi Markov 'umbrella poison' murder tracked down to Austria

Annabel Markova tells a story

How Big Oil Conquered the World (Documentary)

Blair's Iraq War and the Death of Dr David Kelly (2003)

Dr David Kelly: Controversial death examined

Will Julian Assange and WikiLeaks Finally Tell the Truth About Seth Rich?

CrowdStrike's Dmitri Alperovitch - speaks at Aspen Ideas (Aspen Institute)

Lessons Learned from the Global CrowdStrike Outage: Expert Panel

Aug. 1, 2024
"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 77 "Lila's Ocean"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - Aug. 1, 2024 (Exempting Bumper Music)

Podcast links:

Friday Reading and Broadcast: Discussing Predators and Cyberbullies

Friday Reading and Discussion: Predators and Cyberbullies - Rumble

Lila's Ocean

Book of Ours - The New Model: Sadism


Cyberbullying linked with suicidal thoughts and attempts in young adolescents

Cyberbullying and Adolescent Suicide

Psychopathic Traits in Childhood: Insights from Parental Warmth and Fearless Temperament via Conscience Development

How to Identify a Female Psychopath

Psychopaths, Children, and Evil

How Bullies Use Triangulation as a Weapon in the Workplace

Adult bullying: the epidemic no one talks about

Why are we so obsessed with polyamory?

Predatory Polyamory?

The association between local brain structure and disgust propensity

The neuropsychology of disgust

Aug. 1, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" --- Special
Greig from Scotland - Book Club "Tragedy and Hope" - Ep. 10 "Germany from Kaiser to Hitler 1913-1945"

July 28, 2024
"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)
"Revolution: God is Dead. Long Live the Drag Queens!"
Dialogue Copyrighted CTTM - July 28, 2024, AW - June 30, 2019 (Exempting Music and Literary Quotes)

Redux links:

Transcript - Alan Watt Blurb - "There's Many an Idea We've so Sorely Bought, And Pain Foreseen with a Little Forethought." - June 30, 2019

Drag Queens Parody the Last Supper During Olympics Opening Ceremonies

Paris 2024 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony - Highlights

Watch how the Notre-Dame cathedral fire unfolded

Diamond Road - documentary

Netanyahu Delivers a Forceful Defense of Israel to Applause in Congress


Coming Shows --- Alan Watt Redux

Mon., Sept. 30, 2024

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Excerpt
The Authors - Carroll Quigley "Finance"

Tues., Oct. 1, 2024

"The Original Walk & Talk" with Rare and Bruce
Episode 1, "Enlightenment & Illumination

Thurs., Oct. 3, 2024

"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 86 - G und G

Fri., Oct. 4, 2024

"Jacks Walk & Talk"
Episode 5

Sat., Oct. 5, 2024

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Excerpt
Signs and Symbols - TBA

Sun., Oct. 6, 2024

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)

Sat., Oct. 12, 2024, 7 PM UK

CTTM bookclub "Tragedy and Hope" - live on Telegram, video to follow later
Darin and Melissa - Ep. 14 "World War II: The Tide of Aggression, 1939-1941"

Recent Shows

Sat., Sept. 28, 2024

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Excerpt
Signs and Symbols - Ouroboros

Sat., Sept. 28, 2024, 7 PM UK

CTTM bookclub "Tragedy and Hope" - live on Telegram, video to follow later
Darin and Melissa - Ep. 13 "The Dissolution of Europe, 1937-1939"

Fri., Sept. 27, 2024

"Jacks Walk & Talk"
Episode 4

Thurs., Sept. 26, 2024

"Real History" with Melissa
Ep. 85 - Mashup

Sun., Sept. 22, 2024

"Cutting Through the Matrix" with Alan Watt --- Redux
(Educational Talk From the Past)

Sat., Sept. 20, 2024, 7 PM UK

CTTM bookclub "Tragedy and Hope" - video from 14 Sept. Telegram talk
Darin and Melissa - Ep. 13 "The Policy of Appeasement, 1931-1936"

In Memory of Alan Watt - 1st published March 7, 2021

From Latin, Redux -- "brought back."
Every Sunday, a past talk, often with a new introduction.
Once again, Alan’s words
bringing clarity to “news of the day.”

Blurbs and Shows on MP3 CDs

Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN
(Each Disc has 50 Shows [39 Hours] on 1 MP3 CD)

Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on WTPRN
(17 Shows on 1 MP3 CD [28 Hours])

Blurbs (i.e. Educational Talks) on MP3 CD

Audio Shows (Alan Watt as Guest)


Volunteers Wanted to Translate
Alan's Broadcasts into Other Languages -
if Interested, email Weston at

Transcript booklets now for sale! Click here for purchasing information.
Transcript Booklet

Visit the "Free Audio Archive" (button near the top of this page) to find numerous interviews with Alan Watt.


P.S. If you've forgotten your official description, phone up the Federal Department of Statistics and give your PIN-S.S. Number and they'll give you your official corporate identity with regards to who owns you (citizen/subject), Official Purpose (amount of tax revenue you will generate in lifetime), Personality Profile, DNA type, IQ, etc.. Tell them you're still running on FLOPPY, and you'd like to upgrade to HARD disk, and you'd like more RAM. If you'd like to afFORD an upgrade to G.M. (Grand Master). They say it's the only way to go. Or is it better to be a chevalier (which of course is Chevrolet).
For those who wish information on Reptilian people, rather than waste my time, please check the entertainment sections of major bookstores or visit the local zoo and look up these particular categories: Crocodilia, Squamata, Rhynchocephalia, and Testudines. If the department head is in good form he may answer some questions, depending on how hot or cold-blooded he feels at the time, but generally he's a good egg. Reptilian StatueDon't show off your knowledge on the subject, because he may become green with envy and give you a watered down story. Failing that, have a hypnotist see if you're highly suggestible or ponder this profound statement by Adam Weishaupt:

"Oh, foolish man, what can you not be made to believe?"

Alan Watt exposes the Great Con
[ Alan Watt exposes the Great Con ]

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.


Look up to the sky, what do you see?
Here's what we saw:
Chemtrails Page

Your Gift Donations are not only appreciated, but absolutely necessary.
Ordering - We will soon update the site
with new payment options.
Until we are able to do this we are only able to accept cash for
donations and orders. Thank you.

ORDO AB CHAO = Order Out of Chaos We are truly into the age of chaos, long in the planning and written about openly by the big movers and shakers who lord over us. Some of them, such as Brzezinski have described the coming effects on world-wide societies as akin to the vast population movements which occurred at the beginning of the industrial revolution.

After the unification of Europe was to follow the unification of the Americas with the resulting clash of cultures and the initial mayhem produced. People slept while the Free Trade Agreement and the subsequent NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) were discussed with deliberate minimum coverage by the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) controlled media.

For those who wish to check, the publicly available censored version will see it has to do, in part, with THE FREE FLOW OF GOODS AND LABOR across traditional national boundaries. People are being encouraged to blame the effect (mass influx from south) and to completely forget the cause. Out of the mayhem will materialize, as if by magic, a new Constitution of the Americas. This will be presented as the only reasonable and logical direction to go if we are all to live in peace and security.

Coupled with this will come the announcement that every citizen of the Americas must accept an INTERNATIONAL Identity Card under the guise that authorities will be able to track criminal elements moving northwards. The problem has been caused, the reaction is underway, and the solution will be presented. This is the standard Hegelian technique which never fails.

Alan Watt
     (Soon to be copied and spun by some
     well known author near you)